Plum Village,
27 March 2006
Dear friends,
We urgently need a car for Tu Hieu Temple in Hué, the root temple where Thay grew up as a novice. It may cost 15,000 US dollars for a second-hand Toyota van with twelve seats. The monks and nuns need to go teach in many sanghas about 50 to 200 km from the Root Temple. They also need to shop daily for food for 100 monastics and for the 300 lay practitioners who come every Saturday.

Plum Village,
27 March 2006
Dear friends,
We urgently need a car for Tu Hieu Temple in Hué, the root temple where Thay grew up as a novice. It may cost 15,000 US dollars for a second-hand Toyota van with twelve seats. The monks and nuns need to go teach in many sanghas about 50 to 200 km from the Root Temple. They also need to shop daily for food for 100 monastics and for the 300 lay practitioners who come every Saturday. For the last nine months, they can only shop for 100 persons, riding on their motobikes and carrying big bags of vegetables.
We also need to provide a new bed, mattress, and blanket for each monastic aspirant, at a cost of 45 dollars. Each new practitioner is a new spiritual worker to continue the work of Thay to alleviate suffering caused by misunderstanding, violence and abuse in families, etc.
More and more aspirants want to study in the tradition of Plum Village at Tu Hieu and at our other monastery, Prajna near Bao Loc. [See Sister Dang Nghiem’s letter from Prajna Temple on page 28.] We are in great need of your help to continue this work.
Please send your donation to one of the addresses below. We depend on you to continue this beautiful and noble service. Yours truly,
Sister Chan Khong
United States Make check payable to: UBC Deer Park Mail to: Deer Park Monastery 2499 Melru Lane Escondido CA 92026, USA. or transfer funds directly to account of : Deer Park Monastery, Wells Fargo Bank, 145 North Escondido Blvd. Escondido CA 92025 Account # 029-1314078 Routing transit # 121-04-28-82.
France Make check payable to: EBU Village des Pruniers Mail to: Loving Kindness Temple 13 Martineau 33580 Dieulivol France Attn: Sister Chan Khong
Europe and Asia Transfer funds directly to: UBS Bank Aeschenvorstadt 1 CH Basel, Switzerland Account of Sister CAO N.P.F. Chan Khong for the Unified Buddhist Church Attn: Mr. Guy Forster; 0233-405 317 60 D in USD, 405 317 01 N in Swiss Francs, and 405 317 61 F in Euros;