Global Sangha Directory

We offer this directory of Sanghas, or local practice communities, in the Plum Village tradition with the hope that it will help you to connect with other practitioners and to nourish your practice.

Maintained by volunteers, the directory is a work in progress. We rely on practitioners around the world to help us keep the information current. Please use this form to add or change a Sangha listing. Under Directory Listing click on Local.

If you can’t find a group that works for you, then why not start one? Otherwise, you might like to visit the Plumline website, a support center for online and local practice groups in this tradition.

Important Note: Please only use the directory below for contacting a Sangha in your hometown and not use it to promote your retreats, products, and/or newsletters. Thank you for your understanding.


To use the table below.

To search for a Sangha: type in the name of the city, state or area in the Search box below and press Enter.

To navigate in the Table, click inside the Table and use the arrow keys on your keyboard, also use the scroll bar on the right side of the page.

Last updated Sept 2024

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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