By Phap Tue
Above Sai Gon
and the honk of horns
the silent sky, where
Two shark kites flutter
from the rooftops tethered
vying high above the city
among the twitter of bats
and one kite
with three tails
tugs and rises on waves of wind
like a dancing lady
amidst the streaks
of rose-colored sky

In the darkening light
a boy on a nearby rooftop
still gathers string
to raise his eagle kite
on currents of wind
I tell you,
By Phap Tue
Above Sai Gon
and the honk of horns
the silent sky, where
Two shark kites flutter
from the rooftops tethered
vying high above the city
among the twitter of bats
and one kite
with three tails
tugs and rises on waves of wind
like a dancing lady
amidst the streaks
of rose-colored sky

In the darkening light
a boy on a nearby rooftop
still gathers string
to raise his eagle kite
on currents of wind
I tell you,
the peace of Saigon
is on the rooftops
where little fragrant gardens gather
and eyes touch the peace
of the sky again
and kites, even at dusk
sway above the darkening earth
These are messengers:
and all children
young or old
meet in a silent
and secret dance
from rooftop to rooftop
and silent height to silent height
as swallows in eaves
or doves at dusk
The stars appear
slowly and dim
one shark kite
still sways
above the darkness
to meet the stars
advancing toward the west
and this last kite
and all those who meet at night
are the freedom of a people
greater than any flag.
Thay Chan Phap Tue currently lives at Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, California.
Photo: An altar in the alley in Da Nang, Vietnam by Gary Richardson, Chan Dieu Hanh.