Article by Beth Syre Hill

I just finished reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, Peace Is Every Step, and it truly moved me. I feel a lot better because I practice mindfulness and breathing. I think this practice is really wonderful. I now wear something that looks like a ball-bearing on a chain around my neck, and it sounds like a chime when I move too fast. When I hear it, it reminds me to slow down and breathe.

Beth Syre Hill,

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I just finished reading Thich Nhat Hanh's book, Peace Is Every Step, and it truly moved me. I feel a lot better because I practice mindfulness and breathing. I think this practice is really wonderful. I now wear something that looks like a ball-bearing on a chain around my neck, and it sounds like a chime when I move too fast. When I hear it, it reminds me to slow down and breathe.

Beth Syre Hill, Age 11
Salada, Texas

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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