I was moved by the tributes to Jini Fauss in issue # 17 of The Mindfulness Bell and especially so by Jim's own article. I also found that Fred Eppsteiner's letter…
Richard Brady
Richard Brady, True Dharma Bridge, leads retreats in the Plum Village tradition for educators, writes, and coordinates Wake Up Schools. He was ordained as a Dharma teacher by Thích Nhất Hạnh in 2001. He is the author of Walking the Teacher’s Path with Mindfulness: Stories for Reflection and Action and Short Journey Home: Awakening to Freedom with Thích Nhất Hạnh (to be released September 2024 by Parallax Press). Richard practices with the Mountains and Rivers Mindfulness Community and lives with his partner, Elisabeth, in Putney, Vermont, US.
Articles in The Mindfulness Bell
The Reward Is Tremendous
By Richard Brady
By Richard Brady & Audrey Russek When I first read The Miracle of Mindfulness in the spring of 1988, none of my friends was involved with meditation. It turned out that Chris, a…
Ask the Dharmacharaya
By Peggy Rowe-Ward, Richard Brady
Playing Sports? Is it Mindful? Dear Dharmacharyas, My name is Ethan Flint. I am nine and 3/4 years old. My dad is in the Sangha in New York City. I…
By Jerry Braza, Peggy Rowe-Ward, Richard Brady
A Deep Bow to Barbara Casey A deep bow of gratitude to Barbara Casey. I’ve so admired the work you’ve done as managing editor for the past five years, giving…
On Dharma Discussions
By Richard Brady
Dharma discussions are a fundamental part of Sangha gatherings, retreats, and Plum Village life. At their best they embody qualities of group meditation, enabling us to enter a place of quiet in which…