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Rights and Permissions

Thank you for your interest in obtaining rights and permissions to use material from works published by Parallax Press. We handle rights for the majority of our recently published authors and we most frequently receive requests for permission to excerpt quotations from the books and poems of press cofounder Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.


Before reaching out to Parallax

  • Verify that the excerpt for which you would like to receive permission is from a book published by Parallax Press. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has published many best-selling books with other publishing companies, so it is always a good idea to check the source before reaching out to us for permission.
  • If your request is for an article published by The Mindfulness Bell, read the guidelines for reusing excerpts on The Mindfulness Bell website.

Please note that the following permissions guidelines apply to excerpts intended for print or online media, such as books, websites, journals, or magazines. If your intent is to reprint an excerpt on merchandise, such as artwork or a T-shirt, please apply for licensing as outlined below.

Is your request covered by fair use?

If your request falls under the following “fair use” rule of thumb guidelines, then you may use the desired excerpt at your discretion. Please give proper attribution as appropriate to the author, citing the source text, year of publication, and the publisher name (Parallax Press, Palm Leaves Press, or Plum Blossom Books). 

  • Fair use: Short extracts from books published by Parallax Press for personal, noncommercial, or scholarly use of under a hundred words in length, with the exception of poetry or song lyrics.

If the words of Thich Nhat Hanh have touched you, we invite you to make a financial donation to the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation. Your support will help ensure that his teachings and legacy will carry on through his books and his monastic community. 

For all other requests, please apply for permission as follows and allow 6–10 weeks for processing. 

Questions? Email

Submit your request

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Your details

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  • Last name
  • Your email
  • Address
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  • Country

Your work

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  • Purpose of your publication or product 
  • Your publisher (let us know if you are self-publishing)
  • How many copies will be printed?
  • In which countries will your publication be distributed?

Parallax Press content

What type of content are you seeking permissions to reproduce?

  • Text excerpt (100–500 words)
  • Text excerpt (over 500 words)
  • Photo
  • Audio
  • Video

Please give us details of the book (or article or audiovisual material) for which you’re seeking permission to use.

  • Title and author
  • Page number(s) and chapter name(s)
  • Text of excerpt, if possible
  • Link to image or name of video

Please add any further details that you would like us to consider. This must be done for the following types of permissions requests: anthology and quotation for print or e-book, audio, broadcast, dramatic rights, musical settings, photocopy rights, reading rights, image use, artistic use, and prop use.

Next steps

We will get back to you with a fee estimate and the terms on which we can license the material. Our minimum fee for use of a limited amount of material is $100. Unfortunately, we are unable to grant blanket permissions covering multiple uses, languages, and formats on the basis of possible future uses for the material.

We will do our very best to ensure your request is handled as quickly as possible, but if you do not hear from us before your deadline, please do not use the material in question. If you require permission, it is because the material is protected under current international copyright law.


Check our International Rights page for information about translation rights. For information on all other rights, contact our Sales Manager.

  • Special edition rights
  • Audio rights (for an entire text)
  • Reprint rights
  • Film rights
  • Image rights (use of a cover image or other visual material)
  • Blind, braille, and noncommercial reading requests for the visually impaired

Please check our Publicity and Media Enquiries page and contact for author photos or cover images for publicity and review purposes.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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