Village des Pruniers
Meyrac, Loubes-Bernac 47120, France
Dear Friends,
With great pleasure, we send you this Mindfulness Bell, the newsletter of the Order of Interbeing. Many friends around the world will receive this issue, including subscribers, supporters, members of the core community of the Order, and the thousands of friends who attended retreats, days of mindfulness, and lectures with Thich Nhat Hanh this past fall in the U.S. We wanted all of you to receive this issue so you could be in touch with Thay’s teaching and the wide community of those who practice the way of mindful living.
Village des Pruniers
Meyrac, Loubes-Bernac 47120, France
Dear Friends,
With great pleasure, we send you this Mindfulness Bell, the newsletter of the Order of Interbeing. Many friends around the world will receive this issue, including subscribers, supporters, members of the core community of the Order, and the thousands of friends who attended retreats, days of mindfulness, and lectures with Thich Nhat Hanh this past fall in the U.S. We wanted all of you to receive this issue so you could be in touch with Thay's teaching and the wide community of those who practice the way of mindful living. Many Sanghas, groups of practice, would welcome your participation with them, and they are listed here. If you are not already a subscriber, I hope you will consider sending $5 to the Community of Mindful Living toward the cost of printing and mailing this issue to you or, better yet, $15 for a one-year subscription. The Mindfulness Bell is a valuable instrument to help us keep in touch, so that together we can minimize forgetfulness and dwell in peace and stability.
With a deep bow,
Sister Chan Khong