The First Time

By Sharon Kehoe

I remember hearing Harry Belafonte sing a tender, sweet love song, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, at a concert in the ’60s in Berkeley. I wasn’t “in love,” but when I heard the song, I cried. The bittersweetness of the lyrics touched me. I was so embarrassed that I hid my face from my date. The song still evokes tender feelings in me… to see the whole world in one intense gaze,

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By Sharon Kehoe

I remember hearing Harry Belafonte sing a tender, sweet love song, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, at a concert in the '60s in Berkeley. I wasn't "in love," but when I heard the song, I cried. The bittersweetness of the lyrics touched me. I was so embarrassed that I hid my face from my date. The song still evokes tender feelings in me... to see the whole world in one intense gaze, or touch, as if all of existence is right here, right now, in front of me forever. At the time, I wondered if I would ever experience that feeling in my life. Yet, there I was experiencing it in a song out of the blue.

Sharon Kehoe is in the graduate program at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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