Mindfulness Bell #29

Issue 29
  • From the Editors

    We warmly invite you to enjoy this issue of The Mindfulness Bell. For the first time a "Sangha" of editors has worked together in all aspects of the magazine's production, from editing to designing and printing. As a four-fold Sangha we…

  • Gathas


    Inviting the Bell Body, speech and mind in perfect oneness, I send my heart along with the sound of the bell. May the hearers awaken from forgetfulness and transcend the path of anxiety and sorrow. Listening to the Bell Listening…

Other articles in this issue

Poem by Michael Petracca

clump of pine needles,brown and stiff, falls on cold earth the dawn sky brightens this curled strip of bark on the asphalt footpath hasn't moved for days Michael Petracca

Inclusiveness and Acceptance

By Svein Myreng I had mixed feelings when Thay introduced a new translation of the third paramita as "inclusiveness." This paramita had previously been translated as "patience" or "forebearance." I could relate to patience.…

Poem: You Are My Garden

A tree is dying in my garden.You see it, but you also see other trees that are still vigorous and joyful. And I am thankful. I know a tree is…

200 Eggrolls

By Tatian Greenleaf On Saturday, I started cooking 200 eggrolls at 9 p.m. planned to drop them off at the soup kitchen that would serve the homeless on Skid Row the next Friday.…

Come Out and Play!

By Sister Thuc Nghiem I was brought back to my Father dying today, to something about it I had not thought of in awhile -- how he had pneumonia and it was very…

Snake Medicine

By Sister Thuong Nghiem Note: Calling something medicine in the Native American traditions is a way of emphasizing the special qualities of that thing. All elements in the cosmos have the potential to…

Generation Present Moment

Mindfulness Camp for Teenagers at Deer Park By Annie Tran It was once said that, "This generation, will be generation X," that there is no hope for the future, that we as…


Today I went for a walk in the forest with Dunham and Elsie, my grandparents. They walked slowly, taking care not to stumble over the roots stretched across our path like interlacing fingers.…

The Practice of Letting Others Be Themselves

By Lorena Monda My greatest teacher of letting others be themselves has been my daughter, Lisa. Watching her become herself has been a delight to me over the years. I have approached each…

The Culture of the Buddha

By Sister Ha Nghiem When I first became a nun I felt like a bird trying to live in the ocean. Under the water I couldn't understand a word anyone was saying.…

Poem by Michael Petracca

predawn walk in fog pine needles on dewy grass humans glide like ghosts eucalyptus leaves mat the soft forest floor, sticks snap underfoot Michael Petracca Michael wrote this series of…

Poem by Michael Petracca

Make up cot. Pee in cup. Resume good work of doing nothing Morning sun filters through the broad Monterey pine as the fog retreats Michael Petracca

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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