Mindfulness Bell #12

Issue 12
  • Dharma Talk: The Four Noble Truths

    Dharma Talk: The Four Noble Truths

    The first Dharma talk of the Buddha after his enlightenment was about the Four Noble Truths. They express the cream of his teachings and method of practice. The Buddha continued teaching the Four Noble Truths right up until his “great…

  • From the Editors

    The Mindfulness Bell is always a community effort, beginning with submissions from readers describing their efforts to practice mindfulness in daily life. This issue is in remembrance of Charlie Malat, Hoang Phuoc, Sam Rose, and Anne Aitken, who passed from us in recent weeks.…

  • Mindfulness of the Body

    Mindfulness of the Body

    By Svein Myreng Our bodies can bring us joy and pain, triumph and defeat, contentment and craving. We spend a lot of time getting our bodies "in shape"—through sports, health regimes, and beauty treatments, but somehow, they never seem to be enough. Living too…

Other articles in this issue

Wrong Perceptions

By Nora Houtman-de Graaf Two brother monks were living in a mountain temple—a master and his disciple, known as "One-Eye." One night, a monk arrived at the temple asking for shelter. It…

Listening to Nature

By Katla Hannibal The years that I have been visiting Plum Village have been very rewarding to me, in terms of taking refuge in nature. In my meditation practice I realize more…

Work Enlightenment

By Scott Mayer When I was 18, I was working hard in an Oregon sawmill factory. I was also ingesting hallucinogenic drugs with the incredible boredom of work, as I considered it…

The Small Red Heart

By Lisa Boken Many times after driving from one place to another, I realize that I don't remember most of the trip. I often eat a plate of food so unconsciously that…

Poem by Bill Menza

I heard a bird this morning.I felt the sun today.Tonight the moon.Were they here all the time?Was I forgetful?Such a painful habit, this forgetfulness.With so many joys and wonders,and with…

Change of Vocation

By Lisa Boken After the retreat at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, with Thich Nhat Hanh in September 1993,1 had a startling experience. The next day I returned to Harvard Divinity School…

The Eucharist

By Mark Matthews Today I celebrate the Eucharist at the corralon in south Texas. The corralon is the Immigration Detention Center, the equivalent of jail. Several women, representing various Latin American countries, celebrate…

Right Relationships

The Third Precept: Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I vow to cultivate responsibility and learn ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society. I am…

Investing in Harmony

By Allan Hunt Badiner A commentary on the fifth of the Five Awarenesses that couples promise to practice upon being married: "We are aware that blaming and arguing never help us and…

Cherishing Each Day

By Howard Weamer In 1992 my wife and I began raising Yeti, our first Canine Companion puppy. These dogs assist physically challenged companions by learning specialized skills like turning lights on and off,…

Finessing Anger

By Bill Clarke My most cherished memory of my father is in this picture: we are sitting on the green lawn in the sunshine in front of our military housing. Between us…

Poem: Summer Opening

sweet rain falls onthe thirsty groundour earssummer breeze caressesthe open landscapeour nostrilsdandelions send downstrong rootsour storiesstrange sweet fruitsappear!ourselves Svein MyrengOslo, Norway


By Lucy Sauer I am so glad my husband and I attended a course on the Five Precepts in Little Rock last June with Therese Fitzgerald. We have many struggles in our…

Pain, Joy, Grace, Courage

By Jim Janko My friend Janey recently asked me, "Have you let go of Vietnam? For you, is it finally over? Does it still shape your life?" Janey knows that in Vietnam…

Visit to Vietnam

By Linda Spangler I had wanted to go to Vietnam for a long time. I grew up with the Vietnam War on TV and watched the fighting and the nightly list of…

Practicing the Way in Russia

By Edward Meaning I hope our newly organized Russian Sangha will survive and progress. I am absolutely sincere and accepting ardently Thay's teaching. The most important aim of our efforts is not an…

Poem by Travis Masch

You and I, my brother,are not different. Yet there is much I can learn from you—I canlearnto drive my roots down deep into Earth's rich soiland become steadfast;I can learn…

Poem by Julia

The students came.They're beautiful.But for the old Teacher,it is difficult to reach the suffering Russia.At last he arrived.I couldn't recognize him.He's younger than the boyOleg sitting in front of him.…

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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