Andrew Jordan Nance
Andrew Jordan Nance has been an educator for over 25 years. He is the founder of Mindful Arts San Francisco, whose mission is to provide volunteer mindful educators to teach at underserved San Francisco Schools. Nance is also an award– winning actor and director. For almost thirty years he taught performing arts to students from diverse backgrounds, and for 18 years he was the Conservatory Director at San Francisco’s New Conservatory Theatre Center. He is on the Board of Directors of several educational– based non– profit organizations including the Mindful Life Project in Richmond California, San Francisco’s New Conservatory Theater Center, and Arts Ed Matters, a California– based arts– integration organization. Andrew Jordan Nance lives in San Francisco.

Mindful Arts in the Classroom
Stories and Creative Activities for Social and Emotional Learning
View this bookWritten especially for the teacher or camp director who wants to bring mindfulness, social and emotional learning (SEL), and the arts into their busy day through storytelling and fun games,...