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Sarah Manion

Sarah Manion, True Light of Courage (pronouns she/her), believes in joy as a spiritual pursuit. She lived in Africa for many years, working with artisan cooperatives and textile producers who showed her how making things with our hands embodies our innate sense of being interwoven with the world. She is a student of countless teachers, including Thích Nhất Hạnh, Robin Wall Kimmerer, David Abram, Mary Oliver, the Brewster flats, adrienne maree brown, Kate Fletcher, Dr. Larry Ward, her grandmother and aunt (both master knitters), her dog Lari, and all alpacas everywhere. Sarah lives on the ancestral lands of the Wampanoag (Cape Cod, Massachusetts, US) with her partner and all her yarn.

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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