Mindfulness Bell #24

Issue 24
  • Dharma Talk: Taking Care of Each Other

    Dharma Talk: Taking Care of Each Other

    One day, Ananda and the Buddha came to a retreat center where there was only one monk. The monk was very sick with diarrhea. When the Buddha and Ananda came to his room, they noticed a very bad smell. The…

  • From Sister Chan Khong

    Editor's Note: In the following two letters, Sister Chan Khong shares some ideas about implementing Thay's vision of a unified Sangha and invites the input of the larger Sangha to help determine how this vision might be realized. Some of the advisory…

Other articles in this issue

From the Editor

It seemed ironic that as I began editing this issue on Sangha Dynamics, discord began to surface in my own Sangha. As we worked together to reach harmony and understanding, the writings and…

Sangha Bumps, Dharma Doors

By Rowan Conrad Teachers say things and sometimes, a light comes on. Sister Annabel, quoting Thay, recently said, "Being in Sangha is like washing potatoes by putting them all in a pot of…

Sangha Vows

developed by Lyn Fine and Community of Mindfulness NY Metro In the midst of conflict and confusion in the world and in ourselves, the Five and Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings continue to…

May Sangha Relations Become Complete

By Wendy Johnson When I first began to practice Zen meditation in 1971, I sat with a small Sangha on the Mount of Olives, east of the Old City of Jerusalem, overlooking…

Tending a Sangha

By Cherry Zimmer Not long ago I'd never heard the word "Sangha." I now know that I had built myself one with animals, plants, and minerals, though I did not know that…

Poem: We Sit Still

we sitstillon cushions, pillows, or pads. we hearstomachs grumble, crows call,heaters switch on, heaters switch off,clocks tick, trees grow. while a soft voice reminds uswho we really areour minds romp…

The Gift of Healing

One Woman's Experience By Julia Corbett In The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching, Thich Nhat Hanh writes: ''Those who have been sexually abused have the capacity to become bodhisattvas .... Your mind…

Poem: The Ambivalent Nature of Healing

Report from Sonoma, April 1995 At the bank a week after the shooting it's business as usual; you couldn't tell any but daily life has ever gone on here. That…

A Sangha-Ecovillage

By Bruce Kantner Ten years ago I founded the Gaia Education Outreach Institute around the question, "What would an education look like that helps people study, experience, and practice the highest ideals of…


April 20, 1999 This morning The Naples Daily News had a banner headline: "Massacre in Colorado." Tonight on CNN, our president spoke to our country's adults about the tragedy. He asked us to…

Reverence for Life

By Bill Menza Aware that much suffering is caused by war and conflict, we are determined to cultivate nonviolence, understanding, and compassion in our daily lives, to promote peace education, mindful meditation, and reconciliation within families, communities,…

The Two Promises for Children

I vow to develop understanding in order to live peacefully with people, animals, plants, and minerals. I vow to develop my compassion in order to protect the lives of people,…

Still Water

Four years ago, a friend and I realized that the lift we received from Sunday night Washington Mindfulness Community gatherings didn't quite get us through the week. I asked Crossings, a nearby holistic…

Bamboo Sangha

By Christine Flint Sato Today our Sangha met at a sake brewery in Kobe. It was destroyed in the Hanshin Earthquake of 1995 and has recently been rebuilt. The brewery has been in…

Letters to The Mindfulness Bell

What a delight it is to see The Mindfulness Bell in the mail! This journal is truly a bell, as the articles in it bring me back to my practice and my…

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What is Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh January 15, 2020

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